Everything You Need to Know About Proper Ventilation

chimneyProper fan installation is a very important aspect of property ownership. There are many aspects that go into proper centrifugal ventilation that a lot of people are unaware of. From the placement of a chimney exhaust fan, size of an industrial fan, or the overall sone rating, be sure to know these ventilation essentials.

  • Industrial exhaust fans can keep air circulating upwards of 300 times per hour. Laminar industrial fans are very popular in hospital buildings.
  • Fans are a great way to save money on air conditioning costs. Backing off on central cooling by three degrees could trim overall cost down by 15%.

  • Sone rating: The amount of noise fans make is determined by its sone rating. A sone rating of four means the fans are going to be extremely loud, and the lowest sone rating is 0.5, which is barely even audible.
  • Taking the volume of the entire room and dividing it by five is the formula needed to calculate the minimum size exhaust fan you will need for a bathroom. Bathrooms that have ceilings over eight-feet-tall could require even more ventilation.
  • Roof-mounted utility fans are typically used where a lot of static pressure losses exist. These should not directly interfere with the building’s chimney.
  • Electronically commutated motor fans that are installed in a freezer can save up to $200 a year.
  • If you are dealing with restaurant exhaust systems, it is important to know how often the fans should be cleaned. Typically one time every three months for restaurant fans, but more often than that can’t hurt.

It’s important to consult professionals when dealing with the installation and maintenance of ventilation systems. Whether you’re ventilating municipal buildings, schools, hospitals, warehouses, commercial buildings, restaurants, or residential buildings, it’s important to properly install the correct kind of fans and the necessary amount of fan systems.

Knowing proper placement for chimney fans, when to clean restaurant fans, proper inline duct fan maintenance, and how many commercial centrifugal fans are necessary is the property owner’s responsibility. These are very important aspects of any structure.

High-quality, tested, and durable fans and exhaust systems should not be underestimated. They are a necessary part of any building, home, or business.