Water vapors can cause your home to suffer from mildew, mold, peeling wallpaper, condensation on windows, and rot. Worse, the bathroom isn’t the only place affected by water vapor, either. Any area where you can get water in your home is at risk. The washer. The sink. Even the stove.
Fortunately, an exhaust fan will eliminate water vapor, in turn preventing the issues mentioned. If you properly ventilate your home so that the moisture is sent outside through the exhaust fan, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.
Here’s what you need to know about exhaust fans.
Types of Exhaust Fans
Fans come in many sizes, types, and shapes. It’s hard to say which fan would be best for your home, which is why you should speak to an expert to find out which would benefit the particular rooms in our home. Different rooms will call for different types depending on how big it is and how much moisture is typically absorbed. If you take the volume of the room and divided by five, you’ll find the size of the smallest exhaust fan that you’ll need. However, you can trust a professional to tell you which size would be an exact match for your needs.
The amount of upkeep needed on an exhaust system can also very. Places like restaurants usually clean out their systems every three months or more. Industrial fans are usually cleaned out every month. You could probably get away with less in a residence, but how much less is really up to the same expert that you would talk to about the size. A safe bet for a home is a semi-annual cleaning.
Extra ventilation
Keep in mind that rooms with tall ceilings, specifically over eight-feet, may need additional venting. If you do have an exhaust fan and find that it isn’t doing a good enough job, it may be that the room is too big. Another reason, believe it or not, is under use. If the fan is not used often enough, it can begin to deteriorate. To avoid this, try hooking the light to the fan, so when the light is switched on, the fan automatically starts working as well.
Fan Installation
Installing an exhaust fan is probably not something you should try to do yourself, even if you’re normally pretty handy around the house. There are certain aspects of the installation that only an expert would know about, such as the height that the fan needs to be at, the proximity to other objects in the room, its general location, and venting to the exterior.
Fixing or Replacing the Fan
If you find that there was actually something wrong with your fan that needs to be fixed or replaced, your best bet is to purchase a new one. Once a fan has been misused or broken, there will be constant problems until the resident finally gives up and buys a new one. Save yourself the time, money, and headache, and start fresh.